Interview of Fountains of Wayne on MTV's 120 Minutes.

Interview by Matt Pinfield


Matt Pinfield:"Welcome back to 120 Minutes. I'm Matt Pinfield, and this is of course D'arcy and James of the Smashing Pumpkins, and we're also joined by Chris Collingwood and Adam Schlesinger of Fountains of Wayne. Good to have you guys here."

Group: "Good to be here."

Matt: "Adam, years ago you plaed in a Jersey band called The Red House. Keyboards...a long time ago."

Adam: "Yeah, that's when we first met I think (nods towards Chris).

Way back when. The radio station at La Shore (?)."

Matt: "And then of course with Ivy as well."

Adam: "uh huh..."

Matt: "And umm...this Fountains of Wayne record is an excellend record, it's really cool. And people are really uh, are really reacting to it. But are you suprised at the reaction, that people are know..."

Adam: "I think we know, the whole record came together really quickly. I mean, Chirs and I used to play together in a band, and we stopped playing together for a few years because of various other things we were doing, and uh...we wrote the songs fast, and recorded them fast, and you know, we were just very pleasantly supprised that everyone liked it as much as they did."

Matt: "Now the band was the Wallflowers wasn't it?"

Adam and Chris Laugh

Adam: "I think we had just about every band name in history at some poing. But yeah, we had a band called The Wallflowers for a while, and obviously we had to change that name."

Matt: "Did you actually sell the name to Jacob Dillon?"

Chris: "We did, for a mere pittance I might add."

general laughter

Matt: "That's a great story..."

Chris: "Paid the legal fees though. So..."

Matt: "It did pay the legal fees though, that's a good thing."

Chris: "That's about all it did."

Adam: "Yeah..."

Chris: "But umm..."

Matt: "Now Fountains of that in refernce to Wayne, New Jersey? Like something in that town itself?"

Adam: "Yeah, I grew up in Montclaire, New Jersey. And umm...Fountains of Wayne is a Wayne, and it's actually,'s right near the DMV where you go to get your drivers licence renewed or something, so everybody in Northern New Jersey knows this place, and umm...we've since gone in and made friends with the people there...gave them a bunch of posters and stuff..."

D'arcy: "Had them sign the contracts and we don't get sued."

Adam: "They're gonna be singing background vocals on our next rocord so...everything's cool."

Matt: "I bet they're psyched though, now people will start going to see it!"

Chris: "And then Don, who owns the place, thought we were going to...he was just worried that we were going to be in gangster rap or something."

general laughter

Adam:"Death Metal or something..."

Chris:"Yeah exactly!"

D'arcy:"Don't they sell like...umm...lawn ornaments there or something?"


Adam:"Christmas tree decorations..."

Chris:"Bird baths..."

Adam:"The largest outdoor statuary you will find anywhere..."

Matt:"Now you know you just gave a free advertisement too..."

Adam:"Great prices..."

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